Cash For Clunkers
Deziel Wants To Give You Cash For Your Clunkers
We Will Give You:
- $500 for your old furnace
- $500 for your old AC
- $300 for your old water heater
- OR $2000 for all of them!
Let us get rid of your old equipment. Eliminate overpaying on your utility bills, and enjoy quiet, even indoor air quality all year round. Visit with your comfort consultant for full details.
Meet The Owners
Dana has been with DeZiel Heating and A/C since 2003. She is in our accounting area and handles marketing. When Dana is not working or spending time with her family, she enjoys being outside. Spending time on the lake, running, walking are just a few of her favorite pastimes.
Mike has been in the HVAC business since 1989. Mike spent 3 years attending Hennepin Technical Business College prior to his extensive career in the HVAC industry.
In Mike’s free time he enjoys spending time with his wife and 2 daughters traveling, Boating and riding his motorcycle.
In Mike’s free time he enjoys spending time with his wife and 2 daughters traveling, Boating and riding his motorcycle.
Our Services
Call The Top Dog!
DeZiel Heating & A/C offers your family the best heating and cooling products and HVAC services, combined with a level of customer service that will exceed your expectations.