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4 Common Heat Pump Problems – And What to Do About Them

A technician in uniform inspects a wall-mounted air conditioning unit, focusing on its exterior components to identify common heat pump issues.

Heat pumps are a marvel of HVAC technology – offering both heating and cooling capabilities in one energy-efficient unit. However, heat pumps are also complex systems, and not every homeowner or HVAC contractor is experienced in troubleshooting and repairing them. If you are experiencing difficulties with your heat pump, there are a few common issues that are likely to be the culprit.

Here are four problems and solutions to get your heat pump operating effectively

1. If your heat pump is frozen or iced up, no matter what the season, it can be a major cause for concern. A frozen heat pump often requires more than a simple defrosting – ice buildup can lead to broken coils, broken fan blades, compression failure, and more. To resolve a frozen heat pump in the winter or during periods of cold weather, remove snow or other debris that might be blocking the heat pump, make sure nothing is dripping water directly on the unit, and use water to melt the ice. One last important note. You should never use any sharp objects such as a knife or ice pick to remove the ice, as this can further damage the system!

2. If your heat pump is frozen in the summer or during periods of warm weather, it is likely caused by a clog, a buildup of debris on the coils, or a leaky refrigerant. When this occurs, shut off the heat pump immediately and contact a professional to find the source of the problem.

3. If your heat pump is blowing cold air while in heating mode, it can be due to one of many factors. A frozen system (refer back to issue #1) can be the cause, or it could be something more serious such as a faulty valve, problems in the compressor, or refrigerant issues. Check to make sure your heat pump is on the correct setting (heating vs. cooling) before calling in the professionals for a second opinion.

4. If your heat pump is running constantly or near-constantly, it could be the result of a problem. However, it is important to note that heat pumps do run more regularly than a standard heating unit in cold weather. To check the efficiency of your heat pump, make sure the thermostat is set to the correct temperature and that the heat pump is on the right setting (heating vs. cooling). A dirty system, undersized unit, or inadequately insulated space can all lead to the heat pump running more frequently than you might like. Heat pump inspection and repair If your heat pump isn’t working correctly, don’t delay in finding a fix! Problems left undetected can lead to bigger issues in the future.

For professional heat pump service in the Buffalo, MN area, call DeZiel Heating & AC today at [hls_phone_number].

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