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No Heat Emergency? Stay Warm With These 5 Tips

Three outdoor air conditioning units are strategically mounted on concrete blocks against a building wall, offering reliability during a heat emergency.

No heat in the middle of winter is never fun. Especially when you live in an apartment or condo with thin walls. However, there are things you can do while you wait for help to arrive. What is the first thing you should do when your heating system won’t start? Stay calm. Try not to freak out and assume that you need a new furnace or that you will freeze before morning. It sounds simple, but it is something that we all seem not to do.  If your heating system breaks down, don’t worry, DeZiel has a 24/7 emergency service. Call us and we’ll respond as soon as possible. Here are five different ways to keep warm if you find yourself in a no-heat emergency.

5 Ways To Keep Warm If You Have No Heat Seal Out

The Cold It might sound like an oxymoron, but the best way (that we know of at least) to keep warm is to seal out the cold. You can do this by closing all of your windows and doors because any little bit helps. Pick the warmest room to stay in and close off unused rooms. The goal is to keep the heat in your chosen room. Once you have chosen your room, find a comfy spot on the floor, couch or bed and wrap yourself completely with as many blankets as humanly possible. As long as those blankets are covering any skin making contact with the floor, couch or bed, then you should be able to generate a little heat.

Do Some Cooking

This may seem like a strange solution for finding warmth, but there is science behind it. The heat given off by your oven will make your kitchen warmer and the heat from cooking will stay in that room even after you are done cooking. You can either keep your oven door closed or crack it open to let some of that hot air escape and to keep the temperature in your kitchen from rising too high.

Keep Warm With a Radiator

If you happen to be lucky enough to have one of these contraptions in your home, then you are equipped for this no-heat emergency. Just like cooking will make your kitchen warmer, so will a radiator. So let it work while you cuddle up next to it and get your body heat going.

Warm Up With a Wood-Burning Stove

This is not a suitable method for every home, but if you have one of these at your disposal, then lucky you! Just remember that wood stoves can be quite dangerous if you choose not to use them correctly. So be careful and always keep an eye on the stove while it is in use. Fireplace  The fireplace is the easiest way to keep warm in an apartment or condo with no heat, but you should make sure not to burn any furniture. Make sure your smoke detectors are working before using a fireplace for heat, and make sure you have at least two carbon monoxide detectors. And don’t forget about your chimney. If you want to be safe, contact a professional to clean it.

Using Lights to Help Heat a Home

Lighting is an often overlooked way to keep warm, but if you are desperate enough for heat that using the oven doesn’t seem like the best idea, then lighting a few candles might be what you need. If you have kids or pets, try hanging some battery-powered Christmas lights around your chosen room. These are cheap and safe if you need just a small amount of heat.

Bundle up

When all else fails, bundling up is the next best thing. Put on as many clothes as you can and make sure to cover every inch of exposed skin. The goal is to keep your body inside a warm area.

Choosing a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt over a skirt and tank top may seem like it will keep you cooler, but if the temperature is low enough, you won’t even notice. The more skin you have covered, the less heat lost through conduction. However you choose to make do without having any heat in your home this winter season, DeZiel Heating & AC is here to help you stay warm! Contact us for more information.

Put on Some Socks

No matter how many blankets you pile on, if your feet are cold, then the rest of you will be too. Put on some thick socks and try to wear them in layers so that it is easy to take off the layers when they get warm.

Grab Those Electrical Heat Devices

These things aren’t just for sore muscles, you can use them to keep warm. Plug them in and wrap them around your feet to keep your toes nice and toasty.

Contact DeZiel Heating & AC For More Tips to Stay Warm During A No Heat Emergency

If you do not have a fireplace, stove or other heating devices but still need to stay warm this winter, contact DeZiel Heating & AC for tips and tricks to staying warm during the cold months. Also, if you haven’t had your heating system maintenance, call our trustworthy team now at [hls_phone_number]. to do so.

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